Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring Cleaning Game #3: Luck of the Draw

Effective spring cleaning means LOTS of individual chores. Here’s a way to keep your kids motivated!

Hang a clothesline in a popular area of your home (yarn or twine will also do), then hang index cards labeled with specific tasks. Here’s a list to get you started:

Dust picture frames
Wipe baseboards in ________ room
Vacuum the furniture
Wipe down washer and dryer
Clean doorknobs
Wash light switches
Sort through clothes and make piles for donate and trash
Sort through toys and make piles for donate and trash
Clean fish tank
Wash kitty litter box
Rinse out trash cans
Dust wood surfaces
Wash mirrors
Clean under bed
Organize art center: throw away old markers, etc.
Clean out the microwave
Shake rugs
Dust electronics
Sort magazines and books
Dust bookshelves
Wipe down cupboard doors
Clean walls in ______ room
Wash patio furniture

Once you’ve got your chore line ready to go, write a series of rewards on another set of index cards, then put them in a bag. The rewards could be anything from a dollar, to a day at the zoo, to a toy they’ve been wanting. Some should be big and some should be small. For the ultimate enticement, let your kids know there’s one “super” prize in the bag – something that’ll have them clamoring to grab a chore card.

When you’re ready to spring clean, let your kids choose a chore of their choice off the clothesline. When they’ve accomplished the task, let them choose a reward card at random from the bag.

Let us know how it works! What ways have you found to get your kids involved in spring cleaning?

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