Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring Cleaning Game #3: Luck of the Draw

Effective spring cleaning means LOTS of individual chores. Here’s a way to keep your kids motivated!

Hang a clothesline in a popular area of your home (yarn or twine will also do), then hang index cards labeled with specific tasks. Here’s a list to get you started:

Dust picture frames
Wipe baseboards in ________ room
Vacuum the furniture
Wipe down washer and dryer
Clean doorknobs
Wash light switches
Sort through clothes and make piles for donate and trash
Sort through toys and make piles for donate and trash
Clean fish tank
Wash kitty litter box
Rinse out trash cans
Dust wood surfaces
Wash mirrors
Clean under bed
Organize art center: throw away old markers, etc.
Clean out the microwave
Shake rugs
Dust electronics
Sort magazines and books
Dust bookshelves
Wipe down cupboard doors
Clean walls in ______ room
Wash patio furniture

Once you’ve got your chore line ready to go, write a series of rewards on another set of index cards, then put them in a bag. The rewards could be anything from a dollar, to a day at the zoo, to a toy they’ve been wanting. Some should be big and some should be small. For the ultimate enticement, let your kids know there’s one “super” prize in the bag – something that’ll have them clamoring to grab a chore card.

When you’re ready to spring clean, let your kids choose a chore of their choice off the clothesline. When they’ve accomplished the task, let them choose a reward card at random from the bag.

Let us know how it works! What ways have you found to get your kids involved in spring cleaning?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring Cleaning Game #2: BINGO!

Spring Cleaning can unearth some, shall we say, interesting finds. So why not turn that trash into treasure with a Spring Cleaning game that gets the whole family involved? Whether it's petrified popcorn from that family movie night a couple months ago, or the sock you've been missing since 2013, these BINGO cards might even get your teenage son excited about giving his room a deep clean. Click the images for a downloadable version, and let us know how they work!

Friday, March 14, 2014

A St. Patrick's Day Plan: Five Tips for Getting the Best Spot at the Parade

Headed out to a St. Patrick's Day Parade? Here are some tips for a fun afternoon!

  • The early bird catches the worm. Remember the best spots for the parade are the first to go!
  • Dress for the weather, then to impress. There is nothing worse waiting for hours in the snow or rain with no coat.
  • Try to be at the beginning route of the parade, first to see and first to leave.
  • Where is the restroom? Keep an eye out for public restrooms for those unplanned bathroom breaks.
  • Pack light. Try using a backpack for snacks, drinks and goodies. You know your kids will want to sit on your shoulders, so make sure your hands are free! 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Spring Cleaning Game #1: House Party

By Amber Matheson

Spring Cleaning takes on a whole new meaning when kids enter the picture. Before I had children my window sills actually had a relationship with my duster, and I never googled “how to get crayon off walls.”
That’s all changed now, of course, with the addition of two loveable but messy rugrats underfoot. My house is definitely worse for wear, and those nitty-gritty cleaning jobs have gone by the wayside. But with Spring Cleaning on the horizon, I wondered: Are my days of dust-free surfaces over? Or can I have it all? Simply put, is there a way to marry a clean home with messy children?
Then is dawned on me: games. Kids love games! So during Spring Cleaning season, I’ll highlight some of the coolest kids cleaning games I can find – let me know if you implement any of them in your own home this year!

Choose Your Own Adventure
 This game, from the Teaching Boys’ blog, is pure genius in my opinion – as long as you don’t mind indulging in unhealthy snacks from time to time. Although I guess if kale chips are the treat du jour in your home, that’ll work too. This mom got her boys to clean for five straight hours. How did she do it?

Step One: Draw a simple blueprint of your house.
Step Two: Let your kids pick their favorite treats, from chips and pop to staying up late and watching movies
Step Three: You assign a treat to each room
Step Four: Start cleaning together! For each room your kids clean, they win that reward.
Step Five: Have a party!
Step Six: Sigh. Repeat.

What tricks have you implemented in your home to get your kids to be active cleaners?